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Top Questions (FAQ's)

Here is a list of the top questions we receive from users just starting out on Matrimom.

Getting started

Yes, You can resgister at matrimom and your contact email and details of personal never be shared to any one.

Matrimom is to search profiles for life pertner be easy and your search should be end here.

Matrimom is founded for each one of you, you can feel secure here with anytime you can stop receiving unnecessary profiles content, also you can delete your profile anytime you want.

All you need to do is fill out the required details in the registration form purely as possible and click on the sign up button.
Registration and profile creation on matrimom.com only it will take 5 to 10 minutes in 5 easy steps you can register with matrimom.com.
Register on matrimom.com is free, register with matrimom.com and create your profile, to contact matches you have to buy a package.
Yes you need to a enter valid email address to create a profile email address is unique to every profile and hence cannot to be used to create or update another profile.
All profiles register on the site undergo a basic screening of content and photographs post which it is made visible and searchable on the site this may take up to 2 hours after registration.
Verifying your phone number helps you get more responses,it builds trust and authenticity to your profiles.

Profile management

Posting your profile on matrimom.com is easy and completely free just with some of your details.
Yes you can edit your profile and if u want need some changes in your profile you can change it at any time.
Yes it is necessary that adding a photo to your profile increases the number of times your profile is viewed.
Yes you change your email after registering and creating your account.
Yes you can hide your profile temporarily.


Registration on matrimom.com is absolutely free you can register and create your profile create your profile on matrimom.com, add up to 12 photos to your profile, add your contact details, add additional profile information like family details hobbies interest, receive daily matches on your email id, search for profiles using parameters like age, height, religion etc... ignore profiles that you don't like and hide them from your search result.
There are four types of packages in matrimom.com Starter (30 days) Basic (90 days) Diamond (195 days) and Prime for (360 days).
A paid membership is called premium membership on matrimom.com premium members enjoy additional features they can promote their profiles on matrimom.com.
Premium plan : this is subcategorized into Starter (30 days) Basic (90 days) Diamond (195 days) and Prime for (360 days).
Free membership features: View photos of matches. view detailed information about family and profession. Connect directly with matches. Paid membership benefit : Connect directly with matches. View verify contact details. Write direct messages to members. Connect instantly via matrimom chat.

Payment options

Matrimom.com offers you wide ranging easy payment option online options : credit cards : we accept all leading credit cards you can use your credit cards to make payment online visa master card citi bank icici bank hdfc bank standard chartered etc... net banking : you can pay us via the net banking service of leading indian banks citibank.icici bank.hdfc bank.punjab national bank.sbi banbk.boi bank axis bank idbi bank. federal bank. and etc..
We accept all leading credit cards.
We accept all master and visa credit cards.
If you pay for the order using credit card or debit card it will take a time up to 1 to 2 hours.

Pictures & Photos

Yes when you upload your profile picture you get more response and getting more engaged.
Yes it is completely safe while adding your photos.
To remove your photo from your profile with one easy step go to your my photos page and click the delete function.
Authentic information about yourself use real photos, expressive profile.